*gigglies* Very first group picture (see how dated it is??). This was when I only had 5 minna! :O whoaa... |
I need to rescan this picture (s'too blurry) because I really do kinda like it. This was when Eriya was my lastest character, and the only one I left out was Inova. The heights are completely inaccurate. L-R is Zei, Seibrum, Arkerial, Harlequin, Gabriel, Fue-chan, Eriya. Ground level-Kirei. |
This is just a small group one I did on a letter to Katesy. Obviously kinda sloppy. ^^ L-R, Zei, Gabriel, Fue-chan, Eriya, and ground level once more, Kirei and baby Katana. |
A really old (and crappy -_-) girls only group pict, with Arkerial, Fue, Kirei, and Fue-chan down on ground level. |
This is my favorite group pict I've done... Taken from a Sailor Moon, pict, though. ^^ *snicker* Zei's Sailor Moon. On left side, top row is Eriya, Inova, and Arkerial, below them Gabriel and Kirei. On right side, from top, Harlequin, Hazel, Autumn, and Seibrum. And the middle is obviously Fue-chan and Zei. ^^ |
I'm not sure I really like this one, but I thought I'd include it anyway. Trying to be dramatic, I guess. ^^ Center is Fue-chan. On the left side, from top, is Zei, Kirei, Fue, and Gabriel. Right side from top is Seibrum, Harlequin, Arkerial, and Inova. |
*lol* The gals being goofy, dressing up as Sailor Moon gals. Arkerial on left is Moon, Kirei middle is Mercury, and Fue-chan right is Saturn. Crudely colored with colored pencil. |
A more recent girls only group pict. ^^ I like how this one turned out better. The top is Eriya, Fue-chan, Kirei (who's sitting turned around, if it looks weird >.o), and Autumn. ^^ On the floor is adult Starlynn and Arkerial. We're supposed to be on, like, a bar counter. |
Group chibis! This is actually the most recent group pict. -_- Anyway, they're all playing around in Inomi's shoe. ^^;;; I think the only ones who can't be identified by other group picts are Zarian, who's the fathest one on the left leaning against the front of the shoe, and Jethro, the farthest one right, ready to catch Autumn who's falling off the back of the shoe. ^^ |